
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Goals 2012 - April Update

I set some goals at the beginning of the year and I like to check back in each month to see how I'm doing. With April over (how did that happen so fast??!!), it's time for an update.  Here's where I stand.

Goals for my blog -

1)  Revamp.  I did that.  Again.  I like the new, simpler header.  And I like playing around with Pixlr.  So, I'll probably change it up from time to time.  I'll show you how I did it soon.
2)  Add new features.  I have.  And I have more coming up.  I have a couple more giveaways this month -  stay tuned.
3)  Introduce new blogs.  I didn't do that in April.  I'll have to share some of my favorites this month.
4)  Host guest bloggers.  None in April.  I would love to host your blog - just send me an email -
5)  Start a linky party.  I will be co-hosting a party really soon.  I'll keep you posted.

Goals for my house -

We have been tackling some small projects around the house.  I still have some posts to write about them.  And we have been able to start on some landscaping projects already.  I hope to start work on my living room soon - it's a very boring rectangle that I hope to transform into a beautiful space.  And we hope to tackle our hall bath this summer.  It's the last major room to get a facelift.

Goals for my budget -

Saving has been difficult this month (read proms are expensive).  We are on track but I'd like to do better.  In the earning more department, my little blog has started making a tiny amount of money.  It's really not much, but it feels great to be able to help with the bills.  And with two kids in college this fall, I'm happy to be able contribute.

As I mentioned in January, I set a goal this year to spend $0 on Christmas.  How?  Well, I'm earning Amazon gift cards through Swagbucks.  I have been using Swagbucks for years (long before I had a blog) and I love them.  I wanted to introduce my readers to their program so I searched out their affiliate program a few months ago and signed up.  As of right now, I have $120 saved.  I will get $25 more this month.  I hope to have about $400 in gift cards and Paypal cash by the end of the year.  Craig also has an account and has about $60.  I have received some emails about the program so I will do a more in depth post about how I have earned through Swagbucks.  If you're interested, you can click on the ad on my sidebar to sign up.  It's free money!

Also last month, I signed up at Sneakpeeq - it's a social shopping site.  Just for signing up, I received a $10 credit (which I haven't used yet) and a free gift.  The gift at the time was a pearl ring -

I receive it a couple of days ago and I have to admit - it's super cute.  So, this will be put aside for Christmas.  My daughter will love it.  I placed the Sneakpeeq ad on my sidebar if any of you want to sign up.  Currently, the free gift is a bracelet.  Yay for free stuff!

I also received my first (of the year) American Eagle $25 gift card through e-rewards.

I have no affiliation with e-rewards but I've been using their survey site for a few years.  I usually earn 2-3 of these cards in a year.  Not bad.  It all helps!

I'm still trying to find new ways to make this Christmas free - free of stress and debt!  It is such a wonderful time of the year and I want to enjoy it!

Goals for my life - 

1)  Eat better.  I've been trying.  But I still like snacking.  And eating bacon...Well, this topic really deserves its own post.  
2)  Be more confident.  Still working on this.  I did write about how shyness affects me.  Putting it all out there was a little scary but everyone was very supportive.  Thank you.
3)  Stick to my schedule.  Nope.  Complete fail.  I'm going to start on this today.
4)  Start a small garden.  Yay - so far, so good - 

My little tomato plants are growing!  I'm getting ready to move them outside soon - I'll keep you updated.
5)  Get more organized.  I've been working on that the last couple of weeks.  I've cleaned out the pantry, my dresser and closet and most of the basement.  I've also worked on some kitchen cabinet clutter.  Still much more to go through but it's a start.

Ok there's the update.  Some success.  Some things that still need to get done.  So with that - I think I need to get to work!

Have a great Thursday!