
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Master Bath

When Craig and I bought our house, we knew that we'd have to work on every room.  Nothing was staying.  And our master bath was no exception.  It was last updated in the 1980's (Don't get me wrong, I love the 1980's - great music, great movies, big hair...just not great decorating).  What was trending in the 1980's?  Big Jacuzzi tubs - and colorful bathroom fixtures.  And horse and dog borders. And mirrored walls -

A whole lot of ugly.  I still cannot believe that someone picked out a brown toilet (we also inherited a blue toilet, and a black toilet.  Not a white one in the bunch.).  Everything had to go.  The Jacuzzi tub no longer functioned.  And there was no shower.  Crazy.

The pedestal sink also had problems.  It was nearly impossible to turn the faucet all the way off - so we didn't use that either.  And see the step up in the picture above?  Yes, the previous homeowner had the floor raised in half of the bathroom to accommodate that ginormous tub.  So, it made the bathroom feel small (kind of like two separate rooms) and, in the raised section, I could touch the ceiling.  Which was strange.  Oh, and since the toilet is right next to the street-facing window (and raised to window height), it felt slightly awkward to sit on it.  :-)

We wanted to tackle this room right away since it was unusable, but it kept getting pushed off for other projects - like the kitchen.  We needed to save up to remodel it the way we wanted.  And it was worth the wait.

We added heated marble floors, double sinks, and a beautiful, huge shower.  We took the room down to the studs and started over.  Here's the before and after - 

It's a huge change!  I think it's my favorite room in the house - it feels very spa-like.  Which is what I was going for since I don't like to travel.  I wanted to feel pampered right at home.  Mission accomplished.  

Tomorrow, I'll share some of the details that went into transforming this bathroom.  Oh, and don't worry, I have a whole post planned on the shower alone.  It's sort of the Swiss army knife of showers (multiple jets, wand, and a rain head).  What do you think?  Worth the four year long wait?