
Monday, May 7, 2012

Beautiful Weather = Get The Landscaping Done

We had beautiful weather last weekend.  Yay!  Which means that we were outside working on our landscaping.  In between soccer, ice hockey, and rugby games (oh yeah, the trifecta of spring sports...), we managed to get quite a bit done.  If you remember last week, I explained how we were sprucing up our landscaping.  We started this year's journey (we've been working on it little by little since we moved in) by digging out two half dead bushes.  After taking them out (and moving a bird's nest), we were able to start planting some new greenery.  I'm going to start by saying that I know nothing about plants.  I buy what I like.  And I try to find plants that will fill in appropriately in time.  So, even if they look a little small now, they should be perfect in a few years.  I decided to buy two Shamrock Inkberry bushes and one Dwarf Burning Bush (I love burning bushes but it seems that the deer do too.  I have my fingers crossed that this one makes it...).

Here is where we were last week -

And here's what it looks like now - 

Three new bushes and lots of mulch.  And the area looks pretty good.  I'm still not sure if those huge evergreens can stay.  It's hard to tell in the pictures, but they aren't in great shape.  And they have grown like crazy since we moved in (we try to keep them trimmed but they have just gotten huge).  In case you don't know what it looked like when we moved in nearly seven years ago - 

It was a mess.  Ok that huge round bush was crazy!  And ugly.  It had to go.  Along with a few other half-dead bushes.  We also cleaned out the ivy, and redesigned the shape of the bed (notice that sliver of grass in front?  I wasn't a fan.  So, I changed the whole thing.).

I think they look great with the boxwoods that I planted last year.  And they should get a little taller over time.  I am really excited to check this area off my to do list.  It was looking very empty!  

Now that the front yard is finished (for this year), it's time to move on to the backyard.  

P.S. I was very surprised to find out that I was nominated for the Circle Of Moms top mom blogger contest.  Very very surprised.  And if you want to vote for me, just click the button on my sidebar.  I would love to make the top 25!  That would be amazing.  Thanks in advance! (and you can vote once a day...)

P.P.S Click here to enter my latest giveaway!!

I've shared this project here - Between Naps on the Porch, The Shabby Creek Cottage, My Romantic Home, Funky Junk Interiors
{My entry into TTO is sponsored by Appliances Online and their Fridge Freezers.}