
Friday, February 12, 2016

My Friday Five

Here's a list of five things I did to save money this week -  

1 - Brought my lunch to work all week.  A lot of leftovers!

2 - Made all my meals from food on hand in my pantry and freezer.  No grocery shopping this week.

3 - Made 'art' from an old dress that my daughter had bought from Goodwill years ago.  The zipper was broken and it had seen better days.  The fabric was interesting, though, so I cut it down and framed it using two inexpensive frames I bought at Michael's (years ago).  Nothing out of pocket. (I'll share pictures soon)

4 - With the temps so mild, I've been able to keep the thermostat down.  I love having lower heating costs.

5 - Did my own taxes online for free.  

Getting closer to financial freedom!