
Friday, April 6, 2012

My Friday Five - Week 20

I'm really excited that Easter is right around the corner.  It's always such a fun day for our family.  It is low key (we aren't fancy-china-using-formal-dinner kind of people) and relaxing.  We enjoy just spending time together - without all of the rushing around.  But, it has become a little different around here the past couple of years.  Why?  Well, my kids are getting older.  All of the fun little-kid traditions - finding Easter eggs, digging through baskets and watching the Easter bunny on some TV show - are a thing of the past.  This year, they don't even want baskets (oh, they still want candy, don't get me wrong).  I'm not even hosting Easter dinner.  So, I haven't done any decorating (or planning for that matter).  But, I've still done some pinning!

Welcome to My Friday Five - Easter Edition

1.  Here's a cute (and free) idea to get you in the holiday mood - Paint Chip Garland.

I found this over on Modern Parents Messy Kids and I loved it.  It's is so creative yet simple - you could probably let your kids make it.  Head over to the site for more great Easter ideas.

2.  If you're looking to make your table setting a little more fun, why not try Carrot Napkin Holders?

Vanessa at Nifty Thrifty Things came up with this adorable idea.  I love how easy (and inexpensive) it is.  Young kids would get such a kick out of these!

3.  Still looking for a centerpiece?  The Dollar Store Mom can show you how to make a centerpiece  for a couple of bucks - 

Wouldn't that look great on your Easter table! Love it.

4.  Let's not forget that Easter involves delicious treats.  So, here's a cute candy related "craft" - 

Dipped Rice Krispies Eggs.  Those look almost too cute to eat. I saw them over at Food Family Finds - and they look yummy.  Head over to see how they are made - and to get many more cute Easter ideas!

5.  Ok I had to include this one.  It's right up my alley.  

Spray Painted Plastic Eggs!!!  Yes - those are plastic eggs!  Don't they look cool?  Vivienne at The V Spot can show you how to turn plastic eggs into these beauties.  It's a great way to add a more sophisticated look to your Easter decor.

By, the way,  I pinned a few more Easter ideas to my Holiday Board on Pinterest and I had trouble choosing just five ideas here - so head over and check it out!

Are you inspired yet?