
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Goals 2012 - March

It's time to look at how I did on my goals for 2012 in the month of March.  And I'm not sure I made much progress during the month.  It was very busy around here and I did have to travel a bit.  But, I want to take a look - to help me get back on track.

Goals for my blog - 

1. Revamp. Well I did a lot of this at the beginning of the year.  But I'm a little bored and it's spring, so I'll probably change it up again soon.  It's kind of fun.

2.  Add new features. I have been working in more content - talking about saving money, things I've pinned, and branching out on Twitter (which I still don't completely understand).  

3.  Introduce new blogs.  I've done this - I shared my favorite money saving websites.  

4.  Host guest bloggers.  Nope - fail.  I would love to host guest bloggers more often - and I know my readers love to meet new people too.  If you would like to do a guest post here, please send me an email -

5.  Start a Link party.  I haven't started one but I may get to co-host another party soon.  These are a lot of fun!

Goals for my house - 

I have been able to do a few projects around here.  I finished my master bath (yay!) along with a few other projects that I haven't shared yet.  Considering how busy the month was, I'm pretty pleased with the progress around here.

Goals for my budget - 

1. Save more.  Ugh.  This didn't go as well as I had hoped.  We were hit with a few expenses that couldn't be put off - prom tickets, prom dress, travel (for my daughter's hockey), and school deposit.  Nothing very frivolous - but it made it difficult to save.  We worked hard to keep costs low (we used our credit card points to get free hotel rooms and made meals in the room instead of going out to eat - as much as we could), but it still wasn't a great month for saving.

2. Earn more.  Again, not great.  I'm thinking I might have a garage sale - but it's too early for that here.  I did have a great month on Swagbucks.  I earned $25 in Amazon Gift Cards (for searching the web and watching videos).  Of course, that's going towards my Christmas fund (I have $95 to date with another $20 pending. I have received some emails about how Swagucks works so I'll write another post about it next week.  It's a great way to earn a little extra cash - I've been doing it for years - long before I started this blog - and I love introducing people to their site.  You can find their link on my sidebar if your interested.  And if you sign up, I do get a small commission.  It will go straight to my Christmas fund - so thank you!)

3.  Sell stuff on Craigslist.  I didn't take the time to list anything this month because I knew my schedule would be a little crazy.  Maybe April will be a little bit more successful.

Goals for my life -

1.  Eat better.  I'm trying.  But I didn't do well when I was traveling.  Time to get back on track.

2.  Be more confident.  I started a Motivation board on Pinterest.  I'm hoping it helps.

3.  Stick to my schedule.  Nope.  But this month will be better - and less chaotic.

4.  Start a small garden.  I did some research - so I'm ready to start.  I will probably get started this month with some seeds inside.  I'm excited to try this - and a little nervous.  Fingers crossed.

5.  Get more organized.  I had good days and bad days.  I haven't made it a priority - and I should.  

So that's my March run-down.  I love checking in every month.  It's a great way to see how I'm doing - where I've succeeded and where I need to improve.  And since we're already five days into April, I have my work cut out for me...