
Monday, April 2, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened While I Was Away...

You may (or may not) have noticed that I didn't post anything last week.  I had planned to do a big master bath reveal and a couple of other smaller projects.  But...I was a little busy.  Craig and I took our youngest daughter to Marlborough, Massachusetts for the USA Hockey National Championships.  In case you're new here - yes, my daughter plays ice hockey.  So, instead of spending time on my laptop all week, I enjoyed watching her compete at the highest level in the nation.  And, I'm proud to say that their team finished third.  It was a very fun and exciting week.

On the home front, I was really expecting to see a big drop in page views.  Which was ok.  But instead, I had just the opposite.  Why?  Well, My Orb Chandelier was featured at Better After -

And this was a huge thrill for me - kind of like getting to sit at the popular girls' table.  I love Lindsey's blog - and her write up was hilarious (as usual). Click the link to her site to see what she wrote - I don't know how she thinks up this stuff!  So thanks Lindsey!

Then, out of nowhere, the great people from Hometalk decided to feature my $10 Headboard on their Facebook page

I would like to thank Miriam for featuring my project over there - it was really a great surprise!  If you aren't familiar with Hometalk, I highly recommend stopping over there and signing up.  It's a very helpful site which pairs homeowners with home remodeling experts.  You can post questions, get inspired by other projects, or learn how to make repairs to your home.  So, seeing my headboard pop up on my Facebook news feed the other day (of course I follow them) was really cool.

And then...after a long day at the ice rink, I went back to my hotel room, opened my laptop, and saw a huge spike in my numbers.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  I mean, I hadn't posted anything all week.  Where were all of these readers coming from now?  The Globe and Mail - one of Canada's largest newspapers.  Apparently, the penny will be phased out in Canada this year and they were giving their readers some ideas of what to do with the pennies they had.  One of those ideas?  My Ombre Penny Art

How they found my little blog (or this project), I'll never know but I'm very happy that they did.  Not only did they send more readers to my blog than anyone else this week, but the story was then picked up by a German newspaper - Die Presse - who also linked my little project.  Wow!  That is pretty cool.  

But those weren't the only sites to send readers my way.  My Orb Chandelier was also featured by a number of bloggers this week - Kristin (My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia), Stephanie (My Lil Pumpkin Patch), Kara (Creations by Kara), Michele (Primp), Mindie (Bacon Time), Alison (Stuff and Nonsense), Gail (My Repurposed Life), Jenny (Days of Chalk and Chocolate), Wendy (The Shabby Nest), Candace (Candace Creations), and Allison (A Glimpse Inside).  Thank you so much ladies!  I really appreciate having my project selected!

So, that is how my little blog plugged along all week without me.  But, now I'm back and ready to share my master bath before and afters.  Stop back tomorrow to see the transformation!