This is a completely FREE service - with some great features. You'll be able to follow your favorite blogs and if you have your own blog, your readers will be able to follow you too! Linky Followers is brand new (I'm just getting used to it myself) but it will be a perfect transition from the fading GFC. You can group blogs into different categories and even create a blogroll that includes blogs that don't use Linky Followers. You don't have to miss a thing! You can follow me through Linky Followers with my new widget on the top of my sidebar. Just click the "Follow Me" option and it will walk you through the EASY process of signing up. If you follow me, please leave a comment and I'll be sure to follow you back! You can head over to Linky Followers to get your own widget - just let me know when it's up and running!
BTW, if you're wondering about GFC followers automatically switching over to Linky Followers, they won't. It's a completely different service. So please take a moment to sign up. I am really excited about this new option for my readers. And I'm excited to have a new tool for following my favorite blogs!
Don't forget - there are still other ways to keep updated on My Covered Bridge. You can follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or through email. Check my sidebar for those options!