I've been making plans in the dining room lately. I chose a new paint color and new curtains. You can get the whole story here. And there is one area of the room that I've been thinking about a lot. The china cabinet -
This piece of furniture was handed down to me right after I got married. I remember seeing it in my grandmother's house when I was a little girl. And I have always loved it. It is my favorite furniture piece - for sentimental reasons. And I think it's beautiful. I filled it with my great grandmother's hand painted china -
But now I want to make my whole dining room a little more modern. And I want to change this whole corner-
I don't have the heart to paint the cabinet (I know I seem to be willing to paint any piece of furniture - just check the tab up top) but this cabinet is too special to me. I know it would look awesome in white. Maybe a blue on the inside. Beautiful. But I just can't do it. So I came up with another plan. I'm going to change out the contents. It's time to put away my great grandmother's china for a while. And introduce some modern accessories. I have a few pieces that will look great but I don't have enough to fill it. So on a recent trip to Salvation Army, I picked up a vase that would be perfect -
I bought it a few weeks ago - it came home with these great finds -
I have already explained what I did with the two copper pots here and here. The green vase got a trip outside with one of my favorite spray paints -
Gloss White. I knew it would look great in white. I gave it a few light coats and turned it into this -
I love the relief. It really gives this vase some texture and interest. And it looks much more modern in the new color. I am hoping to find many different vases, bowls, and objects to add to this vase. By the way, the vase was $2.99. A little more than I would have liked to pay but I already had the paint so the whole project was inexpensive. Now I just have to get those walls painted...